tanah darah bahasa Inggris
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- darah: blood; myeloid blood cells and plasma; blood
- tanah tumpah darah: homeland; land; fatherland; mother country; birthplace; ethel; place of birth; native land; motherland; country of origin; home country
- When I got there, the 70-year-old man was lying on the floor, blood was gushing out of his neck.
Ketika tiba di sana, kakek itu terkapar di tanah, darah menyembur dari lehernya. - This became known to all who lived in Jerusalem, so that in their own language they called that field Hakeldama, that is, 'Field of Blood.'"
Hal itu diketahui oleh semua penduduk Yerusalem, sehingga tanah itu mereka sebut dalam bahasa mereka sendiri "Hakal-Dama", artinya Tanah Darah.